D I M I A O  T O D A Y

In the pursuit of community development and welfare enhancement, the Family Development Sessions (FDS) conducted in Barangay Canlambong and Cabanbanan stand as a testament to the efficacy of grassroots initiatives.

Under the guidance and supervision of DSWD Pantawid Municipal Link, Ma’am Elvie Irag, in partnership with the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office led by Mr. John Erikk L. Anlagan, alongside his representative Mr. Wilbert Dave Y. Eumague, the Youth Focal, and with the unwavering dedication of the Peace Corps Philippines Volunteer, Mr. Marcus Lee, these sessions have yielded significant successes, impacting the lives of families within the communities.

#CommunityEmpowerment #MSWDODimiaoNagpakabana #mswdodimiao

#FDSuccess #mswdo  #DIMIAOBOHOL #dswdbawatbuhaymahalaga

U.S. Embassy in the Philippines